miercuri, 30 iunie 2010

Si, ca sa nu va plictisiti weekend-ul viitor...

Va asteptam din nou la targ :D
Vom aduce bijuterii noi (pandantive carticele, bijuterii cu margelute, bratari din piele, cercelusi ear cuff ...) pentru ca weekend-ul acesta am vandut si noua ne place sa avem panourile pline, pentru ca vizitatorii sa aiba ce vedea si cumpara :)

Deci, urmeaza targul ILoveHandmade care va avea loc in acest weekend (3-4 iulie) la Palatul Sutu (Muzeul de Istorie de la Universitate).

Va asteptam cu drag !

Impresii ILoveHandmade - 26-27 iunie

A fost frumos, din fericire ne-a ocolit ploaia, chiar daca au venit doi-trei stropi din cand in cand. Vizitatori au fost suficienti, nu am avut timp sa ne plictisim :) Am revazut cunostintele vechi si am cunoscut persoane noi si interesante. Si am admirat o multime de lucrusoare superbe.

miercuri, 23 iunie 2010

targ ILoveHandmade

Va asteptam sambata si duminica (26-27 iunie) la Targul ILoveHandmade in centrul vechi al Bucurestiului la Curtea Veche (langa Hanul lui Manuc).

Va asteptam cu bijuteriile de pe site si inca o multime de lucrusoare noi, pe care nu am mai reusit sa le pun :D

marți, 22 iunie 2010

Legende stravechi

Urmatorul text este traducerea (in engleza) legendei sumeriene a lui Lilith. Aceasta este o Zeita a agriculturii si fertilitatii, mitul sau gasindu-se in peste 100 de religii vechi, fiind cunoscuta ca Lilit, Lolita, Lilitu, Lilith.

"Before the stars were born
Before people built great cities
The great mountain Atlen shook
And bled fiery blood
As it gave birth to Lilitu

The land all around burned
Many animals and people died
When Lilitu opened her eyes
Lilitu saw the ashes of her birth
And wept tears like rain

Lilitu's tears became rivers and streams
Flowers grew where Lilitu walked
Trees grew where Lilitu sat
The ashes became fertile soil
And an orchard became Lilitu's home

In Lilitu's orchard many animals are
People came to live in paradise
Lilitu gave them grain and taught them to harvest
Lilitu made bread and beer
The people rejoiced, ate and drank

One day a great prince came to the land of Atlen
He spied Lilitu and wooed her
But Lilitu spurned and rejected him
The great prince became very angry
He spied two lions and killed them both

Lilitu wept for the lions
She cradled their heads in her arms
The lions awoke to her tears
The lions licked away her tears and became strong
They became Lilitu's loyal friends

The great prince saw this
And again he wooed Lilitu
But Lilitu became a bird
She flew away from him
Angry, the prince began hunting birds

Lilitu saw this and was upset
To spite the prince she spat at him
And mated with a serpent
Lilitu gave birth very quickly
Her child was like no other

The child had six arms
The child had a serpent's tail
The child was very strong
Lilitu called the child a marilitu
The Marilitu attacked the great prince

The great prince and the marilitu fought
The fought day and night
For night after night
And day after day
But neither could win the fight

Lilitu saw this and mated again
Another marilitu was born
And another and another
Two hundred and sixteen were born
In fear the great prince ran away

The people of the orchard rejoiced
The marilitu's farmed the land
The marilitu's protected the people
But the great prince swore vengeance
He cursed the mountain Atlen and its land

Atlen became angry at this curse
The mountain and the land shook
Atlen shook and bled and cried
Its fiery blood made fires
And its tears made floods

Afraid Lilitu turned into a great bird
She grasped people in her feet
She carried animals on her back
The marilitu's and the lions carried people too
Together they fled the land of Atlen

Lilitu went west and east
Lilitu went north and south
Finally she came to dry land
The people thanked Lilitu greatly
The people built statues in her honour

Lilitu wept for her lost home
Her tears formed two rivers
The rivers joined together
They flowed into the ocean
The people grew grain by the river

The people grew great orchards
They built buildings and towers of stone
The people grew healthy and the land rich
Merchants from far places travelled there
News of the wealth of the land grew

The great prince heard of the land
He sent his heralds to inquire of its lady
But Lilitu fed his heralds to her lions
The great prince sent an army
But the marilitu's destroyed his army

Finally the great prince went
When he saw the beautiful orchards
When he saw the six-armed marilitus
The great prince knew the lady was Lilitu
In fear he disguised himself as a woman

The great prince went to Lilitu's temple
His disguise fooled the people
But the lions knew his scent
The two lions warned Lilitu
So Lilitu prepared a trap

Lilitu summoned thirty-six young men
She filled a hall with thirty-six silver platters
She ordered thirty-six beasts slaughtered
At last she was ready
She invited the people to the feast

People came from all over the land
The great prince came too
The great prince arrived in disguise
But Lilitu knew him eagerly
She welcomed him as an honoured guest

The great prince accepted her hospitality
He sat before all the people
The thirty-six young men were brought forth
"Please choose a man," Lilitu commanded
Not wanting to be rude the great prince chose one

Lilitu bade the great prince to sit beside the young man
The silver platters were brought forth
The people feasted on the meat of thirty-six beasts
Great gifts were brough forth
Lilitu gave the gifts to the great prince

Confused the great prince accepted
Then the feast was finally over
Curious, the great prince questioned Lilitu
"Do you always give such grand gifts to strangers?"
"Only when someone is married," Lilitu answered

Realizing what had happened the great prince became angry
He ripped off his disguise
He drew his sword and his dagger
"Why have you made me marry this man?" he demanded
"Because you can never marry me," Lilitu answered

Enraged the great prince attacked Lilitu
The two fought endlessly for Lilitu was very strong
Whenever the prince would get too bold
Lilitu would change into a bird
The great prince fell to the ground and wept in despair

The great prince professed his love
He promised that he would never quit
He prepared to cut his own throat
Finally Lilitu grew tired of this game
She felt pity for the great prince

"I will grant you one kiss," Lilitu declared
Desperate the great prince accepted
The moment the great prince's kiss had been dealt
His body flooded with life and then death
So great was the pleasure of one kiss that he died

Lilitu wept for the great prince
But the great prince remained dead
Saddened Lilitu knew she could never love
No mortal man could taste her kiss and live
Her tears brought life, but her kiss brought death"

Inspirata de aceasta legenda am creeat un pandantiv : un trandafir inflorit, ocrotit de doua aripi, trandafirul reprezentand taramul atat de drag Zeitei, iar aripile reprezentand-o pe ea, in incercarea de a -l salva.
Si am realizat si un print inspirat din aceeasi legenda.

Partea ciudata este ca astazi, cand lucram la imagine, mi-a fost atentia asupra unei legende din zona mea, legenda Luanei, care se spune ca era o fata foarte frumoasa, o fiinta cu puteri extraordinare care a venit din vazduh in zona Buzaului, unde si-a ridicat o cetate. Ea si-a facut o armata din vitejii din satele din jur iar pe cei raniti ii vindeca cu apa vie. De asemenea i-a invatat pe localnici medicina si scrisul...
Probabil este doar o coincidenta dar... :)

Detalii si mai multe imagini ale pandantivului : http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/goth/-lilith/lid=17070229

vineri, 18 iunie 2010

Luthien Dance

asa se numeste lucrarea cu care particip la concursul Ainur organizat de grupul Tolkien de pe Deviant. De fapt particip cu 2, a doua fiind Luthien Necklace, pe care l-am prezentat deja :)
De asemenea, se gaseste ca print, mouse pad, tricou, canuta sau puzzle aici.

miercuri, 16 iunie 2010

Noi bijuterii din sarma argintata

Cand am facut agrafa pe comanda am facut mai multe schite. Dupa ce prima a fost aleasa, am zis ca este pacat sa nu le fac si pe celelalte doua :D Si apoi, pentru ca tocmai ma pornisem a urmat o bratara si... pregatirea pentru un nou concurs :)
Detalii si mai multe imagini:
Agrafa insorita: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/agrafa-insorita/lid=4027059
Turquoise Dream: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/turquoise-dream/lid=4027126
Purple eye: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/purple-eye/lid=4027277
Luthien Necklace: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/luthien-necklace/lid=4025179

luni, 14 iunie 2010

Ice Queen

O agrafa de par eleganta, facuta pe comanda. Este delicata, dar destul de solida pentru a nu pati nimic atunci cand este folosita. Este realizata in intregime manual, din sarma argintata tratata impotriva oxidarii, margelute metalice, chipsuri de opalit si o sfera de agata alba.

vineri, 11 iunie 2010

Strong as a Stone

Un nou concurs cu tema "Strong as a Stone" iar pandantivul cu care particip este "Daughter of the Mountain"
Pandantivul reprezinta o fata de piatra, a carei rochie este impodobita cu paduri si izvoare, parul ei este iarba care creste pe inaltimi, iar pe fundal se vad muntii.

joi, 10 iunie 2010

Un nou domeniu :)

Pentru ca toata lumea m-a intrebat daca eu sunt persoana din vechiul meu avatar si pentru ca descoperisem un domeniu interesant pe care mi-ar fi placut sa-l dezvolt, m-am hotarat sa imi fac unul nou. Domeniul se numeste foto-manipulare, si este exact ceea ce spune numele :D
Deci, acesta este noul meu avatar:
Si urmatoarele doua lucrari : "Coming from Darkness"
si "Coming from Light" :)
Acestea se vand la adresa web de mai jos, ca printuri - eventual inramate (iar pretul difera in functie de marime), mouse pad-uri, tricouri, etc.

Imaginile postate pe blog sunt mult micsorate pentru a se incarca intr-un timp rezonabil :D si au adaugat watermark, care evident pe produsele finite nu va exista.

miercuri, 9 iunie 2010

Colectia de "ochi"

... s-a imbogatit cu inca 3 :) Primul este o re-editare a ochiului de dragon iar ceilalti 2 sunt ochi de vampir. Unul normal si unul vegetarian :D (fanii Twilight vor intelege). Probabil veti gandi ca sunt putin creepy dar... mie mi se par interesanti.
Mai multe poze si detalii:

marți, 8 iunie 2010

Multumesc Mihaelei pentru premiu :)

Ieri am primit un premiu plin de caldura de la Mihaela (http://arianasshop.blogspot.com/). Multumesc mult ca te-ai gandit si la mine :)

Il dau mai departe:
1. Zazine (http://zazines.blogspot.com/)
2.Deianeira (http://deianeirajewellery.blogspot.com/)
3.Tzuki (http://stephanie333-vlad.blogspot.com/)
4. Jea Jewell (http://jea-lavieenrose.blogspot.com)
5. Domnisoara Babacilu (http://domnisoarababacilu.blogspot.com/)
6. 63 Colibri (http://colibri63.blogspot.com/)
7. Loulou (http://luma-bijoux.blogspot.com/)
8.  Accesorii vesele si colorate (http://happyaccesories.blogspot.com/)
9. My Quilling Blog (http://myquillingblog.blogspot.com/)
11. Gabriela (http://gabriela-bijoux.blogspot.com/)
12.HazardArts (http://hazardarts.blogspot.com/)

Regulile premiului:

sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010

Noutati, noutati :)

Zilele acestea am fost din nou "in vizita" in lumea elfilor si a fanteziei, pentru ca privind ce am facut constat ca nimic nu este "normal" :D
In primul rand particip la un concurs numit "A 'FAMILIAR' AFFAIR", pentru care trebuie sa ma imaginez intr-o lume fantastica, alaturi de familiarul meu :D O tema care mi-a placut si care este vinovata de vizita in lumea fantastica... Si daca tot am fost acolo, m-am intors si cu un pandantiv Drow, cu unul panza de paianjan si un ankh :) Si, ca sa ma predispuna la visare, am facut si un set vesel si roz :D
Detalii si imagini:
Familiar: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/familiar/lid=3889678
Drow: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/drow-pendant/lid=3891220
Web: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/web-pendant/lid=3891602
Ankh: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/ankh-pendant/lid=3892318
Pink: http://www.fantasyhandmade.com/item/pink-is-for-dreaming/lid=3890001